
Располагая тридцатью тысячами квадратных метров с теневыми помещениями, отапливаемыми теплицами для укоренения и выращивания, паллет ами для размножения растений и открытыми полевыми площадками, Компания осуществляет все этапы производства на месте: размножение растений семенами, черенками или прививкой; выращивание образцовых растений также в открытом грунте; выращивание растений для оптовой продажи для крупномасштабного распространения, выращивание цветущих деревьев, вечнозеленых растений и живой изгороди для немедленного эффекта

Production Ornamental and garden plants.

Проектирование и реализация садов, дач, парков, гостиниц

Leader in the production of olive trees from cuttings.

We produce plants in over 20 cultivars, both for oil and for table, and the propagation material is taken from our own certified mother plant field. All olive trees are carefully controlled by the Phytosanitary Service of the Sicily Region and the area is free from Xilella Fastidiosa.


With its thirty thousand square meters covered in shadows, heated greenhouses for rooting and growth, pallets for reproduction and open field surfaces, the company carries out all the production phases inside it: propagation of plants from seed, from cutting, or by grafting; production of exemplary plants, even in open fields; production of wholesale plants for large-scale distribution; production of flowering trees, evergreens and hedges of immediate effect.


Public green design and construction

Design and construction of gardens, villas, parks, hotels

Design and construction of green roofs

Design and construction of irrigation systems

Public and private green maintenance services

Seasonal, extraordinary pruning and tree felling services

Realization of fruiting and afforestation plants

Realization of naturalistic engineering works

Installation and care of lawns and grass carpets in general

Removal of stumps, explants and plant transplants

Phytosanitary treatments and fertilization

Spring and autumn cleaning

Fairs and upcoming Events


For information on products and services, do not hesitate to contact our company!


Largo Case Lunghe ,c/da Oreto 98051

Barcellona P.G. (ME) - Italia

Opening hours

8.00 - 12.00 e 14.30 - 17,30

Sabato: 8.00 - 13.00

Sunday: Closed

Contact details

Telephone: 090 9763376 - 392 0182472

Email: info@lauraryolo.it

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